Sunday, September 2, 2007

Mom and me

This has been a decent weekend so far. The weather isn't TOO hot and everyone seems to be in a good mood. Of course, that always helps me. I still new to this blogging thing, but I'm doing my best. I have always loved to write, but lately my thoughts are so jumbled, it's really hard to put everything into words. I can think of a thousand things in my mind, but I couldn't explain it to you! I don't know how many people have even read my blog....who knows, it might just be me. But it does feel good to know that maybe someone, somewhere is relating to me...even if it is just a little bit. I have read many others blogs and so far I have noticed that ALOT of people are getting paid to do this. Jeez, I would love it if someone wanted to pay me to write about my day to day life. I would really let you all in on some REALLY good stuff!!!! But for now, until I feel completely comfortable, I will keep most things private. I don't want to give out too much info about myself. My MOM could be reading this!!! LOL, my mom is my best friend. She knows so much about me it's scary. I do wish sometimes though she would be more like a mom than a friend. I go to her with just about everything, from relationships, to work, to being a mom. I don't always want the advice she tries to hand out. I feel like she wants me to be like her, but what she needs to understand that I am my own person. She raised me to be independent, which I am thankful for. I know what responsibilites are.....even though I was spoiled. I knew what I could and couldn't do. And also what my consequences were. She always told me that I could be whatever I wanted when I grew up. Well, the only problem is, I still haven't figured that out. And that sucks! I'm not very good at making simple decisions. I worry myself to death about everything. I always think of others when I decide something. I wonder how my family would feel instead of what I would feel. I'm not selfish in any way. I really never have been. I have noticed lately that I am more like my mom than I thought. We are always changing our minds on what we want. We like our freedom, but want someone there. We HATE to be told what to anyone! If we could work for ourselves, we would. But then I'm sure once we did, we would want to move on to something else!
Well, Mom, if you end up reading this, I just want you to know that I love you very much. I know at times we argue and fight about things, but it's because I love you. We don't always have the same views and of course that's OK. Please just remember that you raised me the best you knew how. I promise to do the same for my daughter. I will always give her hugs and tell her I love her......just like you did to me. I will always be here for you, no matter what. Thanks for everything.

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