Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sleepless night?

Oh, here we go again. Another night not doing anything. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. All I want is a restful nights sleep. Is that too much to ask?? I have tried everything. Last night as I was putting my baby to bed, I was extremely tired. But of course, just like every single mom, I needed time to myself. So, I got on the computer and pretty much did nothing. I watched TV and then at about 1am I figured I better get to bed. After about an hour of lying there, I got back up and watched more TV. I was watching the stupidest show EVER...'Date my Mom' on MTV. How many more stupid reality shows can they come up with? Maybe I'm just too old....hahahahaha. Don't get me wrong. I love most reality shows. But who really signs up for shows like that? I know for a fact that MY mom would NEVER go out on a date with some guy for me. If a guy met my mom before me, I'd be screwed. Anyway, after watching 3 episodes of this stupid show, I tried to go back to bed. It was about 5am at this point. Around 6am I think I finally fell asleep and then here comes my baby......6:25am. 'Mommy, Mommy, lets get up!" Oh dear god help me. How am I going to go to work for 8 hours with no sleep. So, I called in.....again. I figured, whats one more day without pay?! Tonight, I am determined to sleep....and go to work tomorrow. Oh, how tempting to call in again. It would be nice to have another day off. Maybe I could actually get some cleaning done. many times have I said that? I know exactly what would happen. I would take my baby to school, come back home, go to bed and not get up until around noon or so. Then sit around and watch more stupid shows thinking I should have went to work. By that time, schools out and time to get my baby. I would get nothing done. So, what to do, what to do........stay tuned.

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