Friday, August 31, 2007

Time to Bitch

You know, all day today I have been getting very aggravated at stupid people, one in particular. Here is what has gotten to me......

1. My boyfriend comes home and asks me if I want to get dinner. Sure! Why not? But then he has NO IDEA WHAT HE WANTS TO EAT. So, the conversation goes back and forth until we end up arguing....3HOURS LATER!!!!! I swear, men can be so stupid!!!! DO NOT ASK ME ABOUT DINNER IF YOU HAVE NO SUGGESTIONS!
2. My boyfriend (again) sees that I am busy, but continues to talk to me like nothing else matters. I have asked him several times to wait for a few minutes, but that's not good enough. He wants my attention NOW!!! Tough shit.....wait.
3. My boyfriend (see a trend?) he needs to go to the doctor, but doesn't have a PCP. Not my problem, right? WRONG (according to him). This is how he feels........If I don't call and get him an appointment, he won't go. If he doesn't go, he will continue to have the problems he has had for years. But all I have to do is get him the appointment, remind him when it is, make sure he has all the info, practically DRIVE him there, fill out the papers for him, walk him back into the room, tell the doctor whats going on and HOPE the doctor says what HE already thinks it is. Thats all I have to do, no big deal.
4. I go to the gas station to put air in my tire. It currently has a BIG nail in it acting as a plug. Anyway, my tire is getting low,so instead of asking my boyfriend, I go to do it myself. No problem, right? I've done this before so I already know that we now have to PAY FOR AIR. So, I get my change ready, drive up the street, get out, put my money in, the machine turns on. So far, so good. I take the cap off of my tire, and put the thingy on there, and push the button. Nothing. I hear the air, I know its there...I PAID FOR IT. So why is my tire still low? Hmmmm...since you are on limited time, I try to figure out the problem. OK, try and push the thingy in harder and hold on to it. There, this should work. NOPE!!!! WHERE IS THIS AIR GOING? I PAID MY MONEY FOR THIS AIR AND ITS NOT WORKING!!!! Damn karma.....should have changed the tire 5 months ago when i got the nail. My boyfriend took my car up there later and didn't have a problem....whatever.
5.I was watching one of my favorite movies last week. I hadn't seen it in so long I decided to go to WalMart and buy it. So, anyway, I was really excited and ready to settle down for a nice quiet evening watching my fav movie. My boyfriend was fully aware of this and told him to be quiet. Aout 9:15pm the movie goes in and I'm ready! The phone rings. I pause and answer it. His mother. OK, push we go. 9:45pm, phone rings again. His mother. *sigh* What could she possibly want? Anyway, I continue the movie. 10 minutes later, she calls again. OK, i'm pissed now. I walk out of the bedroom and ask him 'Why is she calling so much???? What could she possibly need to tell you right now?' Before he could answer, I'm back in my bed pushing the play button. There was about 25 minutes left when he walks into the bedroom. 'What are you doing?' What the hell does it look like???????? Does he not understand what BE QUIET means????? Obviously not. So, my movie night pretty much sucked. I didn't get my good 'girl cries' out b/c I was constantly being interrupted. Can a man not understand that a good cry is neccessary for a woman's mental health?
6. Same i don't want to have sex. I'm not in the mood. How can I be? You (and your mother) annoyed the hell out of me. I know we don't have sex like we used to. But you aren't as nice as you used to be! If you would have let me watch my movie in peace, I might be in the mood. Too late now, sorry. Maybe next movie night.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sleepless night?

Oh, here we go again. Another night not doing anything. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. All I want is a restful nights sleep. Is that too much to ask?? I have tried everything. Last night as I was putting my baby to bed, I was extremely tired. But of course, just like every single mom, I needed time to myself. So, I got on the computer and pretty much did nothing. I watched TV and then at about 1am I figured I better get to bed. After about an hour of lying there, I got back up and watched more TV. I was watching the stupidest show EVER...'Date my Mom' on MTV. How many more stupid reality shows can they come up with? Maybe I'm just too old....hahahahaha. Don't get me wrong. I love most reality shows. But who really signs up for shows like that? I know for a fact that MY mom would NEVER go out on a date with some guy for me. If a guy met my mom before me, I'd be screwed. Anyway, after watching 3 episodes of this stupid show, I tried to go back to bed. It was about 5am at this point. Around 6am I think I finally fell asleep and then here comes my baby......6:25am. 'Mommy, Mommy, lets get up!" Oh dear god help me. How am I going to go to work for 8 hours with no sleep. So, I called in.....again. I figured, whats one more day without pay?! Tonight, I am determined to sleep....and go to work tomorrow. Oh, how tempting to call in again. It would be nice to have another day off. Maybe I could actually get some cleaning done. many times have I said that? I know exactly what would happen. I would take my baby to school, come back home, go to bed and not get up until around noon or so. Then sit around and watch more stupid shows thinking I should have went to work. By that time, schools out and time to get my baby. I would get nothing done. So, what to do, what to do........stay tuned.